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Introducing the evolution of the electric smart-scooter. The Swagger 5 rolls on 8.5-inch wheels with air-filled tires, making it smoother over rough surfaces. The lightweight aluminum frame folds, making it easy to store or carry. The compact design stows away easily in the trunk of your car, or in almost any closet or space at the home or office. A vibrant bar-mounted LED display provides a clear view of speed, battery life and headlight status. Pair your smartphone with the Swagger 5 via Bluetooth® and turn it into a real-time heads-up display. Use the app to activate cruise control, select speed, plan your route with GPS, control the headlight and more. A rear disc brake keeps you in control. An LED headlight and brake light keep you visible when daylight ends before your ride does. Cruise the last mile in style with the Swagger SG5.